zebris Events

Progress through education

Our events support your professional development.

Our high-calibre speakers provide you with practical knowledge and give you valuable impetus for your professional development. Through interactive workshops and networking opportunities, our events not only offer you the chance to learn, but also to exchange ideas with other professionals from the industry. In addition, you benefit from exclusive insider information and can thus expand your network.

With zebris events, you are making a targeted investment in your professional future.

Our event registrations are quick and easy via Eventbrite.

Link to our profile on Eventbrite

Advanced training – zebris medical

Advanced training – zebris dental

Advanced training – zebris vetrinary

Externally bookable partner events

Reserve your place on the pages of our partners.

Individual Events

Events organised by our partner companies

Individually bookable training courses offered by our partners: Find out here about our wide range of courses and benefit from practical training tailored to your needs.

Overall concept of instrumental functional diagnostics in theory and practice with the zebris system
Basic course / Advanced course

Organiser: Schütz Dental GmbH

For information on speakers and current venues as well as registration, please refer to the Schütz Dental programme page: www.schuetz-dental.de

The private training institute "Westerburger Kontakte" (WeKo) offers further training courses for dentists, dental technicians and dental assistants.

(Continuing education points according to DGZMK/BZÄK)

Organiser: Westerburger Kontakte (WeKo)
Venue: Schloss Westerburg, 56457 Westerburg
Phone: +49 2663 91190-30 Fax: +49 2663 91190-34
e-mail: info@westerburgerkontakte.de
Internet: www.westerburgerkontakte.de

In-house courses - with Kirsten Götz-Neumann

In addition to the open seminar programme for physiotherapists and doctors, O.G.I.G. also offers tailor-made courses and further training for your department/team and/or clinic/PT practice.

Dates on request

Further information at:
e-mail: kirsten@gehen-verstehen.net
Internet: www.gehen-verstehen.de

Discover a wide range of basic seminars and workshops on the topic of gait analysis and foot orthosis care from our partner Schein Orthopädie Service KG.

Learn all about sensorimotor foot orthoses, the anatomy of the foot and much more in regular webinars, seminars and workshops.

Further information and registration at
