PC specifications for zebris software packages

The system requirements for Windows PCs for operating a zebris measuring system are listed below.

Kindly check whether your system meets the minimum system requirements. For smooth and productive operation, the recommended specifications should be adhered to.


  recommended Specification minimum Specification
CPU Intel Core i5 / i7, 11th Gen. (x64) Intel Core i5 / 8th Gen. (x64)
  (e.g. i7-11800H)  
Memory (RAM) 16 GB 8 GB
Storage 1 TB SSD 500 GB
Operating System Windows 11 22H2 Windows 11 22H2
GPU dedicated GPU 1 GB video memory (VRAM)
  (e.g. NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3050Ti / NVIDIA® T1200)  
OpenGL 4.6 OpenGL 4.6
DirectX 9.0c DirectX 9.0c
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) Full HD (1920x1080 pixels)
Ports more than 2 type A USB 3.0 ports (or higher) more than 2 type A USB 3.0 ports (or higher)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, x64, or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) min. 4 GB
Storage min. 750 GB free space on the system drive
Operating System Windows 10 version 1909 and higher
GPU 1 GB usable graphics memory
OpenGL 4.0
DirectX 9.0c
  Support of native monitor resolution
Display Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024x768
Ports 2 x USB (1x Device, 1x SYNCCam)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, x64, or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) min. 4 GB
Storage min. 750 GB free space on the system drive
Operating System Windows 10 version 1909 and higher
GPU 1 GB usable graphics memory
OpenGL 4.0
DirectX 9.0c
  Support of native monitor resolution
Display Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024x768
Ports 2 x USB (1x Device, 1x SYNCCam)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, x64, or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) min. 4 GB
Storage min. 750 GB free space on the system drive
Operating System Windows 10 version 1909 and higher
GPU 1 GB usable graphics memory
OpenGL 4.0
DirectX 9.0c
  Support of native monitor resolution
Display Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024x768
Ports 2 x USB (1x Device, 1x SYNCCam)

zebris FDM

  recommended Configuration minimum Configuration
CPU Intel Core i5 / i7, 11th Generation (x64) Intel Core i5 / 8th Generation (x64)
  (cf. i7-11800H)  
Memory (RAM) 16 GB 8 GB
Storage 1 TB SSD 500 GB
GPU dedicated graphics card min. 1 GB available VRAM
  (cf. NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3050Ti / NVIDIA® T1200)  
  OpenGL 4.6 or higher OpenGL 4.6 or higher
  DirectX 9.0c or higher DirectX 9.0c or higher
Operating System Windows 11 as of 22H2 or higher Windows 11 as of 22H2 or higher
Display Full HD (1920x1080 Pixel) Full HD (1920x1080 Pixel)
Ports 1x USB 2.0 per device 1x USB 2.0 per device
  1x USB 3.x per camera 1x USB 3.x per camera

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, 8th generation, x64 or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) at least 8 GB
Storage min. 500 GB free disk space on the system partition
  min. 1 TB when using cameras
  SSD technology (Solid State Drive) recommended
GPU at least 1 GB of usable graphics memory (VRAM)
  OpenGL 4.5 or higher
  DirectX 9.0c or higher
  Native monitor resolution support
Operating System Windows 11 64bit
  (compatible with Windows 10 64bit)
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) recommended
Ports 1 x USB 2.0 per device used
  1 x USB 3.x per camera used

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5 or similar
  recommended: Intel Core i5, 3rd generation (3xxx) or similar
Memory (RAM) 4 GB
Storage 500 GB (without cameras)
  recommended: 1 TB when using cameras (SYNCCam, etc.)
  min. 1 TB when using cameras
GPU at least 1 GB of usable graphics memory (VRAM)
  OpenGL 3.3 or higher
  DirectX 9.0c or higher
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Display mininum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
Ports 1 x USB 2.0 per device used

Animal Analysis Suite

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, 11th Gen., x64 or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) 16 GB
Storage min. 500 GB (without using additional devices)
  recommended: min 1 TB SSD hard disk when using additional devices (SyncCam, etc.)
GPU at least 1 GB usable graphics memory (VRAM)
  OpenGL 4.6 or higher
Operating System Windows 11 64bit
  (compatible with Windows 10 64bit) If
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) recommended
Ports 1 x USB per used device (min. USB 2.0, SYNCCam HS requires min. USB 3.0)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5, 11th Gen., x64 or alternatives with comparable performance
Memory (RAM) 16 GB
Storage min. 500 GB (without using additional devices)
  recommended: min 1 TB SSD hard disk when using additional devices (SyncCam, etc.)
GPU at least 1 GB usable graphics memory (VRAM)
  OpenGL 4.6 or higher
Operating System Windows 11 64bit
  (compatible with Windows 10 64bit) If
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) recommended
Ports 1 x USB per used device (min. USB 2.0, SYNCCam HS requires min. USB 3.0)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5 or comparable
  recommended: Intel Core i5 from 7th generation (7xxx) or comparable
Memory (RAM) at least 8 GB RAM ·
Storage min. 500 GB (without using additional devices)
  recommended: min. 1 TB SSD hard disk when using additional devices (SyncCam, etc.)
GPU at least 1 GB usable graphics memory
  OpenGL 4.5 or higher
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels) recommended
Ports 1 x USB per used device (min. USB 2.0, SYNCCam HS requires min. USB 3.0)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5 or comparable
  recommended: Intel Core i5 from 7th generation (7xxx) or comparable
Memory (RAM) min. 8 GB
Storage min. 500 GB (without using additional devices)
  recommended: min. 1 TB SSD hard disk when using additional devices (SyncCam, etc.)
GPU min. 1 GB usable graphics memory
  OpenGL 4.5 or higher
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Display Minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
Ports 1 x USB per used device (min. USB 2.0, SYNCCam HS requires min. USB 3.0)

  System requirements
CPU Intel Core i5 or similar
  recommended: Intel Core i5 higher than 3rd generation (3xxx) oder similar
Memory (RAM) min. 4 GB
Storage 500 GB (without cameras)
  recommended: 1 TB when using cameras (SYNCCam, etc.)
GPU 1 GB of graphics memory
  OpenGL 3.3 or higher
Operating System Windows 10 64bit
Display minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
Ports 1 x USB 2.0 per device


  recommended Specification
CPU Intel Core i5 / i7, 11th Gen. (x64)
Memory (RAM) 8 GB
Storage min. 125 GB
Operating System Windows 10 64bit (compatible with Windows 11)
Graphics NVIDIA® GeForce GTX™ 1660 Ti
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels)
Ports at least 2 x USB 2.x Type A ports (or higher)

balori® e-coordination

  recommended Specification
CPU Intel Core i5 / i7, 11th Gen. (x64)
Memory (RAM) 8 GB
Storage min. 125 GB
Operating System Windows 10 64bit (compatible with Windows 11)
Graphics NVIDIA® GeForce GTX™ 1660 Ti
Display Full HD (1920x1080 pixels)
Ports at least 2 x USB 2.x Type A ports (or higher)