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zebris FDM Software - About Dialog - update, program, system and technical support informations
zebris FDM Software - Database - programme settings
zebris FDM Software - new activation of the software, without previous activation
zebris FDM Software - new installation of the software, without previous version
zebris FDM Software - create, change and delete patient records
zebris FDM Software - pressure scale changing and adjusting the view
zebris FDM Software - reduce video file size manual or automatic
zebris FDM Software - create, change and delete a report profile
zebris FDM Software - software update via download link
zebris FDM Software - check, download and update installation
zebris FDM Software - user manuals to be found under the question mark
zebris FDM Software - view grid and crosshairs in videos
zebris FDM Software - view timeline functions for floor plates modules